Monday, May 25, 2020

Was Leonardo da Vinci Gay

No, were not saying Leonardo  Da Vinci was gay. We dont know if Leonardo was gay. Frankly, its none of our business who (if anyone) or what (if anything) titillated Leonardos libido 500 years after the fact, but lets give those who do care some information. Freuds Take Smarter people have said that, yes, Leonardo was gay. Sigmund Freud outed him (and blamed his mother) back in 1910. One must, of course, take a post-centuries-mortem psychological analysis with many grains of salt. Sir Kenneth Clark, an art historian, more recently opined that Leonardo was probably a passive homosexual. In other words, the jury is out and will remain so until we discover a tell-all biography dating from Renaissance Italy. The Da Vinci Code Version What is absolutely untrue is the reference in The Da Vinci Code to Leonardos reputation as a flamboyant homosexual. He was not known as such. Historical evidence is sketchy about the latter, and the only thing Leonardo was flamboyant about was his inability to finish projects he started. Rumors During Da Vincis Lifetime Da Vinci was rumored to have been homosexual by his contemporaries. He was, in fact, twice charged with sodomy in 1476. Though he was imprisoned for two months, the charges were dropped for lack of witnesses. It must be duly noted that he was one of four people charged with sodomizing the individual in this particular case, which was subsequently dropped. Additionally, accusing someone of sodomy, in 15th century Florence, was not an infrequent tactic used to cause someone else trouble. Da Vinci was anonymously accused, and its quite tempting to speculate that the accuser was a lesser-talented artist. Da Vincis Works and Personal Life Leonardo Da Vinci never married. If he had female lovers, they have some really, really carefully hidden identities. None of that would make him gay by default. (It would go some ways toward explaining, however, lack of a readily available nude female model.) As mentioned elsewhere, he drew a lot more young men in his notebooks than women. One might assume, from this, that the male figure was more interesting to Da Vinci than was the female. Some of the young men he drew were nude. One might assume that this was either (a) a reflection of Leonardos interest in human anatomy, (b) a reflection of Leonardos interest in naked men, (c) a combination of the two or (d) none of the above. There is always a danger of (d) being the case when it comes to assumptions.​ Sources and Further Reading Andersen, Wayne. Freud, Leonardo Da Vinci and the Vultures Tail.New York: Other Press, 2001.Clark, Lord Kenneth. Leonardo da Vinci.New York: Penguin Books, 1989.Freud, Sigmund.Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood [1910].Translated by Alan Tyson with an introduction by Brian FarrelLondon: Penguin Books, 1962.Rocke, Michael. Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance FlorenceNew York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

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